January 28, 2011

End of this Road

Followers of this blog may have noticed that Ive been slacking off on my posts for a while... Somehow this blog thing has just become a bit of a routine, and I've found myself enjoying it less and less... added to that is a busy schedule that just doesn't afford me the time.
So, it is with that in mind that I bring this blog to a close. It truly has been a pleasure, blogging with all you fine people, and it has been an experience I wont soon forget.

I can only hope that somehow at least some of my words haven't fallen on deaf ears.. and I'll still be sure to continue following you all...

Peace and best wishes for all of you! :)

January 9, 2011

Things I've recently realized

Okay...so I'm back after a long hiatus and I'm ready to blog again!
So I thought I'd share a few things that I recently realized.

  • Ive realized that there's nothing like a good chat session with a genuine friend, to put things into perspective.
  • Ive realized that though we all go through phases in life we all still remain stuck with our inner core ideals, and those ideals never change... instead we just grow more into it.
  • Ive realized that you can never judge someone just by looking at them. Human beings are far too complex for that!
  • Ive realized that though things seem to be going on forever, they can come to an end in an instant, and then you will miss it all so terribly. So the best thing to do is to try and appreciate every moment while you can.
  • Ive further realized that human beings can be ugly... but that they can also be so beautiful! And that if we spend some extra time looking for that beauty- we might just find it!
  • and lastly Ive realized that no lesson is too small to learn and if it can improve us, it is a worthy lesson indeed!

Happy Blogging! Hope you all enjoyed the break!
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